Chengjian Li


Chengjian Li is a professor of English literature at the School of Foreign Languages, Southwest Jiaotong University, China. She serves as Director for the Center for American Studies and Editor for the Journal of Sino-American Humanities Studies, both affiliated with her college. Her research and teaching interests include British poetry and Irish literature. Her major publications are listed as follows:

  1. A British-Irish poet: Seamus Heaney, Chengdu: Sichuan People’s Publishing, 2006.
  2. Study on Contemporary Irish Drama, Chengdu: Sichuan People’s Publishing, 2015.
Journal Articles:
  1. On Seamus Heaney’s Sweeney Astray, Beijing: Foreign Literature, 2008 (6).
  2. On McMorris’s Identity in William Shakespeare’s Henry V, Beijing: Foreign Literature Review, 2009 (4).
  3. On Relationship between Kings and Ireland in William Shakespeare’s Plays, Chongqing: Foreign Language and Literature,2009 (4).
  4. Holding a Mirror for Irish Society: A Study of Brian Friel’s Plays, Beijing: Drama, 2010 (6).
  5. An Image of Ireland in the eyes of Edmund Spencer, Beijing: Foreign Literature Review, 2011 (2).
  6. On Brian Friel’s Narrative Strategy in his Historical Plays, Xiangtan: Journal of Hunan Science and Technology University, 2014 (6).
  7. Michael Longley and Northern Irish Crisis, Changsha: Journal of Zhongnan University, 2014 (5).
  8. A Historical Study on GuoMoruo’s Translation of John Synge’s Plays, Chongqing: Foreign Language and Literature, 2018(6).
  9. Book Review, Leela Gandhi, Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction,Ariel,2020 October,Vol. 51.4.

Hong Zeng

Executive Editor-in-Chief

  • PhD in Comparative Literature from University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in 2002
  • PhD in English and American Literature from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1997
  • MA in English and American Literature from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1994
  • BA in English from University of Electronic Science and Technology in 1991
Academic Rank: Professor
Category: PhD and MA advisor

School of Foreign Language, Southwest Jiaotong University

Area of Expertise and Research Interest:

Comparative literature, English and American Poetry, 20th Century American Novels


+86 15198173786


Chinese, English, German, French



  1. A Reader’s Guide to English and American Poetry. 上海:三联出版社,2020.
  2. 比较文学视野下的流放符号. 四川人民出版社,2019.
  3. Semiotics of Exile in Contemporary Chinese Film. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
  4. Semiotics of Exile in Literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
  5. Apollonian and Dionysian: Patterns of Imagery in Edith Wharton’s Tragic Novels. Rowan& Littlefield, 2009.
  6. A Deconstructive Reading of Chinese Natural Philosophy in Literature and the ArtsTaoism and Zen Buddhism. New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004.


  1. W.S. 默温,《天狼星的阴影》人民文学出版社,2017.
  2. An English Translation of Contemporary Chinese Poet Hai Zi. Edwin Mellen. 2005.
Selective listings of Papers:
  1. “Vijay Seshadri’s Postcolonial Exile” , Critical Sociology, 2021,  (AHCI)
  2. 数字影像化的流放叙事和伦理引导: 以罗卓瑶的《秋月》和《爱在异乡的季节》为例. 《中外文化与文论》, 2020:2. (CSSCI)
  3. Guest-edit special issue Taoism and Western Literature, on Literature and Theology, Dec. 2020, vol.34, issue 4 (AHCI)
  4. “A Comparative Study of Zhuangzi and Nietzsche’s Aesthetics and Tragic Vision”, Literature and Theology, Dec. 2020, vol. 34, issue 4 (AHCI)
  5. “A Deconstructive Reading of Taoist Influenced Chinese and American Poetry,” ClC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture. Purdue University Press. 2019: 21 (AHCI)
  6. “Photography in Wang (Anyi)’s Chang Hen Ge (The Melody of Everlasting Regret).” CLC web: Comparative Literature and Culture. Purdue University Press. 2010: 12 (AHCI)
  7. 鬼斧神工的第15章:《唐璜》 后现代主义解读一例. 《外国文学》,2009:6 (CSSCI)
  8. Review on When I was Born: Women’s Autobiography in Modern China. Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature. 2009:28(2) (AHCI)
  9. “Sylvia Plath and Edvard Munch: Mindscape of Chagrin”, Plath Profiles, 2010:3
  10. “勃朗特姐妹”,《英国十九世纪文学史》外语教学研究出版社,2006. 国家级社科项目
  11.  “罗伯特勃朗宁”《英国十九世纪文学史》外语教学研究出版社,2006. 国家级社科项目
Research Projects:
  1. 比较文学视野下21世纪普利策诗歌奖获奖作品研究,国家级社科项目。2018.
  2. Semiotics of Exile in Contemporary Chinese Film. Large Faculty Development Fund. Carleton College. 2009
  3. Taoist and Zen Buddhist Influenced Literature and Arts in Chengdu and Yunnan, Freeman Faculty Research Fellowship from AsiaNetwork. 2010.